Chad & Emily Banfield
Lead Pastors
Chad & Emily have been the pastors at Warsaw Assembly of God since 2016. They have three kids who are growing up too fast. Previous to becoming pastors here they were involved in Youth Ministry for 11 years. They consider it a joy to serve the people of Warsaw. Their passion is to see people begin and grow in a loving, living relationship with Jesus.

Emily Banfield
Youth Director
Emily is leading our youth as we actively look for a youth pastor. Emily started this youth group in 2018 and lead it for a year and a half. Before that she and Pastor Chad were youth pastors for 12 years.

Staci & Derek Wilt
Children's Director
Staci does a great job teaching and leading our elementary age kids on Sunday mornings. She has been serving in this capacity since 2021. Staci and Derek are team players and we are blessed to have them.

Emily Banfield
Worship Leader
Emily is a fantastic worship leader. She does a great job at building up others and taking us into the presence of God. Everything she does she does with excellence.

Sherry Piper-Long
Church Secretary
Sherry has been the bookkeeper since 2016. Actually, she has been working at the church longer than the pastor. Sherry is wonderful to work with and makes all of us look good. She is extremely efficient. We are blessed to have her.